In this Tutorial I'm documenting al the Steps needed to get IPKG with rsync and rsnapshot running on the Synology NAS DS411j.

1.) DSM Configuration

Enable SSH. Open the "Control Panel" > "Terminal" select the option "Enable SSH service".

Create a shared folder "backup". Open the "Control Panel" > "Shared Folder" and choose "Create".

2.) Install IPKG, Bootstrap

Links for the Bootstrap Synology Forum Overview , Bootstrap
Open console with user "root" (same password like admin), get the correct Package for you're CPU (DS411j) over wget. Run the script with sh.

NAS> cd /volume1/backup

NAS> wget

NAS> sh syno-mvkw-bootstrap_1.2-7_arm.xsh

After the installation the bootstrap file can be removed

NAS> rm syno-mvkw-bootstrap_1.2-7_arm.xsh

The following commands will update the ipkg package feed on your box and upgrade any installed ipkg packages to the latest version.

NAS> ipkg update
NAS> ipkg upgrade

3.) Install rsync and rsnapshot

Now we can install the rsync, rsnapshot and other packages over ipkg. (I like nano for editing)

NAS> ipkg install nano
NAS> ipkg install rsync
NAS> ipkg install rsnapshot


to list all available packages use:

NAS> ipkg list

to list installed packages use:

NAS> ipkg list_installed

4.) Configure rsnapshot

Now we are going to configure the rsnapshot service using nano. Never use spaces, use tabstops instead, nano sometomes converts tabstops into spacec on linewraps!

NAS> nano /opt/etc/rsnapshot.conf

Change the following settings:

snapshot_root   /volume1/backup/

cmd_cp   /bin/cp

#interval hourly 6
interval daily 7
interval weekly 4
interval monthly 12

rsync_short_args -a
rsync_long_args --delete --numeric-ids --force --stats --port=58123 --compress --bwlimit=750 --log-format=%l:%b:%f

backup rsync://localhost/YourBackupServer/ folder/

5.) Configure rsync - data source

On the data source server the following configuration is needed for the rsync deamon:

NAS> nano /opt/etc/rsyncd-58123.conf

# RSYNC deamon on port 58123 for backup only
# 26.05.2013 dave jufer - proposal
# the deamon is started via "/opt/etc/init.d/" entry:
# startproc /usr/local/bin/rsync --daemon --port=58123 --config=/opt/etc/rsyncd-58123.conf

read only = true
transfer logging = false
log format = %h %o %f %l %b
log file = /var/log/rsyncd-58123.log
# allowed HOSTS
# localhost
hosts allow = \

path = /video/
comment = Videos
read only = true
list = false
uid = root
gid = root

6.) Problems with rsnapshot and perl

On the new DSM-Version I got the following error

NAS> rsnapshot
/opt/bin/perl: relocation error: /opt/lib/perl5/5.8.8/ppc-linux/CORE/ symbol __eqdf2, version GLIBC_2.3.3 not defined in file with link time reference

What ist the Problem and how to fix it. Rsnapshot ist written in perl an it uses the installed version 5.8.8 (/opt/lib/perl) via ipkg. now there seems to be a problem using this rather old version of perl. In the DSM 5 Perl can be installed as a package with the version 5.18.1. The only thing to do is to tell rsnapshot to use the installed version of synology. That can be done by editing the first line in the file /opt/bin/rsnapshot change the path from /opt/bin/perl to /usr/bin/perl that should do it.

NAS> nano /opt/bin/rsnapshot

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# the path to perl at the top was generated by autoconf
# rest of file...





DSM, turning on SSH in the Control Panel

DSM, turning on SSH in the Control Panel

Console, /opt/bin/rsnapshot