This Tutorial guides you through the steps needed to restore IPKG and the /opt/ folder after updating the DSM-Version.
This Tutorial guides you through the steps needed to restore IPKG and the /opt/ folder after updating the DSM-Version.
1.) Restart the NAS (optional)
Restart (reboot) the NAS using the graphical interface from DSM after upgrading the DSM-version.
2.) Restore symbolic link /opt
While upgrading the DSM-version the symbolic link /opt gets lost. With the following command we are going to restore that.
NAS> ln -s /volume1/@optware/ /opt
3.) Check file /root/.profile
Check the file "/root/.profile" using vi (nano does not work jet). For editing press "i", this puts the vi editor into insert mode. Press "<esc>" to exit the insert mode.
Use ":x <Return>" to quit vi and save changes.
Use ":q!<Return>" to quit vi without saving.
NAS> vi /root/.profile
The file "/root/.profile" should look somthing like this:
umask 022
#export PATH
#This fixes the backspace when telnetting in.
#if [ "$TERM" != "linux" ]; then
# stty erase
export HOME
export TERM
export PAGER
PS1="`hostname`> "
alias dir="ls -al"
alias ll="ls -la"
# special library path def
4.) Check file /etc/profile
Check the file "/etc/profile" using vi (if nano was instaled /opt/bin/nano should work). For editing press "i", this puts the vi editor into insert mode. Press "<esc>" to exit the insert mode.
Use ":x <Return>" to quit vi and save changes.
Use ":q!<Return>" to quit vi without saving.
NAS> vi /etc/profile
The file "/etc/profile" should look somthing like this:
#/etc/profile: system-wide .profile file for ash.
umask 022
export PATH
#This fixes the backspace when telnetting in.
#if [ "$TERM" != "linux" ]; then
# stty erase
export PGDATA
export TERM
export PAGER
export LC_ALL=en_US.utf8
export LANG=en_US.utf8
PS1="`hostname`> "
alias dir="ls -al"
alias ll="ls -la"
ulimit -c unlimited
5.) Check file /etc/rc.local
Check the file "/etc/rc.local" using vi.
NAS> vi /etc/rc.local
The file "/etc/rc.local" should look somthing like this:
# Optware setup
#[ -x /etc/rc.optware ] && /etc/rc.optware start
exit 0
6.) Restart the NAS
After restarting the NAS everything should be like it was before upgrading the DSM-version. The "ipkg" command should be available and all the packages that were installed, for example "nano" :-)